Why cats don’t want to take care of kittens: expert opinion

26.02.2024 21:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:42

Sometimes cats or male cats may refuse kittens.

In this article, we will tell you why this happens.

Why does a cat run away from kittens

There are many reasons why a cat may abandon kittens.


For example, there are too many kittens or there is a hormonal imbalance in the cat’s body after giving birth.

The animal may go into estrus immediately after giving birth.

People pay too much attention to kittens, constantly picking them up, stroking them, leaving their scent on them.

Therefore, the cat senses a foreign, foreign smell and does not recognize the kittens.

There is no need to touch kittens in the first two weeks of their life unless necessary; other pets should not have access to the cat with kittens, including the cat.

What to do if the cat does not care for the kittens

If the cat is not nearby or refuses to feed the offspring, you need to buy a special mixture for newborn kittens at the pet store.

This is not yet a complete food, but a milk replacer that contains the maximum amount of micro- and macroelements for the development of healthy animals.

Why cats can destroy kittens

Once cats have kittens, they are no longer interested in cats.

To regain the attention of cats, they resort to a very strange act.

They grab the kittens, drag them away and kill them, but do not eat them.

Therefore, it is necessary to isolate the animal and keep it away from children.

Previously, we told you why a cat could ignore its owner.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why does a cat run away from kittens
  2. What to do if the cat does not care for the kittens
  3. Why cats can destroy kittens