Cats can be very sensitive animals and can often become anxious or upset about what is happening around them.
Today we will talk about the main causes of stress in your pet.
What can cause stress in a cat
Physical injuries have a negative impact on a cat's peace of mind.

For example, illnesses, injuries, burns, frostbite, poisoning, the presence of parasites or infections, starvation, lack of vitamins.
The following external stress factors seriously irritate the animal: loud sounds, strong odors, tobacco smoke, the smell of alcohol.
Short-term stress, which occurs as a reaction to external stimuli, is reflected in the cat’s behavior, so it is not difficult to notice - the pet arches its back, presses its ears, hisses and extends its claws.
Nevertheless, when stress becomes chronic, behavioral manifestations are less expressive: the cat sleeps more, hides more often.
Symptoms of neurosis in cats
Cats may show signs of a disorder of higher nervous activity, a weakened or distorted reaction to external stimuli, fearfulness, aggressiveness, and fatigue.
Autonomic functions are impaired (tachycardia, arrhythmia, vasomotor reactions).
We previously talked about signs that your cat is bored.