Why does a cat hide under a blanket: the main reasons for this behavior

12.05.2024 03:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

It's no secret that cats love secluded places.

In this article, we will tell you why exactly a pet climbs under the blanket.

Why does a cat hide under the blanket

Sometimes cats like to burrow into blankets for the same reason we do: to create a feeling of security.


Being under a blanket gives cats a sense of security and safety.

The desire to hide can develop into a desire to play.

Especially if potential prey appears near the shelter, for example, your hands.

This cat behavior indicates that the animal is comfortable, safe and warm.

Therefore, this is necessary to relax. The pet can crawl under the blanket because it is quiet and cozy there, or it can lie on top to simultaneously control the situation around it.

Sometimes cats hide when the environment is noisy and unsafe. For example, when guests come to the house.

The animal does not like attention from strangers, their smells and loud voices.

Therefore, a cat may be wary of people if it has not seen them before.

In addition, a cat in a new home may hide under the bathtub, under the sofa, in the closet or in another secluded place.

This is normal behavior for an animal that is afraid.

If the animal is not accustomed to new conditions, it will take some time to get used to the new place.

Previously, we told you how to tell if your cat is happy.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource