Why dogs bring sticks from a walk: a simple explanation of the habit

13.02.2024 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Dogs are very attracted to the smell of the forest, which permeates the wood.

Therefore, they often choose this particular toy.

Why do dogs love sticks so much

Animals just like to bring back some kind of trophy from a walk, and a stick is usually the first thing that catches their eye; many dogs simply like to hold something in their mouth (this feature is pronounced in retrievers).


Dogs may also be positively rewarded by their owner's actions and therefore continue to behave that way.

For example, if you laughed or praised your puppy for his amazing feat of bringing home a stick twice his size, chances are he will continue to do so. The dog will enjoy your positive attention.

Puppies start playing with sticks because they are teething and just need something to chew on.

In addition, later they get used to this toy, since it can always be found on the street while walking.

Sometimes a pet chews on a stick due to a lack of nutrients - but this happens less often.

Can a dog be allowed to chew sticks

Dogs can be given any sticks, except resin-containing trees such as spruce or pine.

This wood is bitter, so dogs don’t like to chew it.

Coffee tree sticks are an ideal way to clean teeth and satisfy dogs' chewing needs.

During the process of chewing or gnawing, wood fibers have an effect on the teeth similar to that of dental floss.

Previously, we told you why a dog may not obey its owner.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why do dogs love sticks so much
  2. Can a dog be allowed to chew sticks