

As kids grow, they usually pay more attention to social things like faces or interactions. However, kids with autism often find non-social things more interesting, like textures or shapes.

Kate Yakimchuk research attention child development cognitive skills Psychology 22 January 2024

Scientists discovered that babies with bigger spaces around blood vessels in their brains, known as perivascular spaces, are more likely to develop autism. These babies also tend to have sleep issues as they grow older.

Kate Yakimchuk research brain development mental health science Psychology 15 January 2024

Stimmas are one of the diagnostic signs of autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Diana Dashkevich mental health facts Psychology 16 November 2023

One of the main goals of modern science and medicine is to keep people healthy, especially when they're little. A new discovery shows that brain inflammation in infants can cause lots of troubles later in life.

Kate Yakimchuk research infants brain Psychology 28 October 2023

Infants and young children are often tested for autism. As adults, autism can be more difficult to diagnose.

Diana Dashkevich adulthood mental health Psychology 17 October 2023
mother and daughter

It's hard to take care of kids with special needs, but how hard is it? A new study shows that mothers with autistic kids have way higher risks of having depression than moms of typical kids.

Kate Yakimchuk research mother depression Psychology 13 October 2023