brain development


Few people know that nutrition affects brain function. In this article, we will tell you which vitamins and foods are useful for normal brain function.

Diana Dashkevich health nutrition health facts nutrition facts Cooking 2 March 2024

Constant, prolonged stress and depressive disorders have a negative impact on memory. Due to the fact that the brain focuses on a disturbing problem, a person may become absent-minded in other areas of life.

Diana Dashkevich brain memory mental health Psychology 5 February 2024

Scientists discovered that babies with bigger spaces around blood vessels in their brains, known as perivascular spaces, are more likely to develop autism. These babies also tend to have sleep issues as they grow older.

Kate Yakimchuk research autism mental health science Psychology 15 January 2024

It always takes more time and effort to process new or unusual information, and it might be pretty beneficial. Specialists have discovered that sentences with unusual grammar or unexpected meaning tend to activate the brain's language processing centers more strongly.

Kate Yakimchuk research information intelligence human brain Psychology 10 January 2024

Children are easily surprised, but adults are harder to surprise because of how their brains develop. Recognizing surprises is an important skill, as new things can sometimes be dangerous.

Kate Yakimchuk research human brain science Psychology 10 January 2024

Human brains are amazing in terms of their functionality, but how do they develop? New research suggests that the human brain continues to develop after birth for a longer time than previously thought.

Kate Yakimchuk research science cognitive skills intelligence Psychology 26 December 2023

Childhood trauma can have a huge and lasting negative effect on health and general well-being. However, a recent experiment found that brain changes resulting from early trauma may be reversible if treated early.

Kate Yakimchuk research child development trauma treatment Psychology 22 December 2023

Daydreaming, a common experience for humans, has long puzzled neuroscientists regarding its underlying brain processes.  By monitoring neuron activity in the visual cortex of mice during periods of quiet wakefulness, the researchers identified patterns suggesting that the mice were daydreaming about specific images. 

Kate Yakimchuk research brain activity science Psychology 16 December 2023

Contrary to what we thought, a new experiment shows that baby brains are not significantly less developed compared to other primates. The misconception arises because much of our brain development happens after birth.

Kate Yakimchuk research human brain babies science Psychology 14 December 2023

Humans have developed higher cognitive functions, mainly linked to the expansion of the neocortex. However, researchers now believe that the cerebellum, often called the "little brain," also evolved during evolution, so it adds to unique human abilities.

Kate Yakimchuk research human brain science Psychology 1 December 2023