blood pressure


Have you ever noticed that sometimes it's just extremely hard for you to fall asleep? If you're a woman, then it might be tied to your blood pressure, a new study claims.

Kate Yakimchuk research sleep patterns health insomnia Psychology 23 December 2023

Lowering your blood pressure is something almost everyone can do, even if you're already taking medication for it. A new experiment shows that by cutting down on salt, even by just a teaspoon a day, people could decrease their systolic blood pressure by about 6 mm of mercury.

Kate Yakimchuk research salt intake health dieting Cooking 3 December 2023

While high blood pressure seems to be completely separated from brain health, it actually affects cognitive abilities later in life. A new study warns people to be more careful with their high blood pressure when they're in their 30s and also later in life.

Kate Yakimchuk brain research health alzheimer Psychology 16 July 2023