

If both of you are remote workers, then each of you needs a convenient place to work at home. Sometimes two people can interfere with each other, making it harder for each other to concentrate.

Kate Yakimchuk work place interior tips office work House Design 24 January 2024

Our ability to focus on tasks is influenced by things like motivation and alertness. It can be hard to stay focused, especially when a task is boring or repetitive.

Kate Yakimchuk research focusing brain activity remote work Psychology 24 January 2024

The world is so fast-paced these days, and we are constantly surrounded by tons of information. A new study explains why it's hard to stay focused when using digital technology.

Kate Yakimchuk research gadgets entertainment Psychology 5 November 2023

A good workplace should be not only good-looking or inspiring, but also convenient. When creating a workplace or a home office, it's easy to make some mistakes that will make it harder to concentrate.

Kate Yakimchuk workplace mistakes House Design 5 November 2023
concentrated man

Lots of people these days find it hard to concentrate on something - there are simply too many distractions around. Meanwhile, to stay efficient and hardworking, you have to manage that problem and work on your concentration - but how?

Kate Yakimchuk tips work distractions Psychology 24 September 2023

Most people know that lack of sleep can cause bad organization skills, but it seems to work both ways. Research conducted at The University of Alabama reveals that inadequate time management skills, particularly in organization, can adversely affect the sleep quality of college students.

Kate Yakimchuk research sleep goals Psychology 10 August 2023
child drawing

Being able to control your attention and concentration helps children learn new information and skills better. A study by the universities of Zurich and Mainz has found that teaching children self-regulation skills in primary school has a positive long-term impact on their educational success. 

Kate Yakimchuk research children attention Psychology 6 August 2023

Hyperfixation, also known as "special interests," is a term used in psychology and neurodiversity to describe an intense and prolonged focus on a specific topic, activity, or hobby.  This intense focus can lead to spending a significant amount of time, energy, and attention on the subject of interest. 

Kate Yakimchuk hyperfixation hobby Psychology 5 August 2023

Contrary to the widespread belief that music increases creativity, specialists have challenged this notion. Their new study claims that it might actually have quite the opposite effect.

Kate Yakimchuk music creativity brain research Psychology 20 July 2023

Are you a person who's easily distracted by anything, so it's hard for you to concentrate on work? If you are, then you're not alone - a new work shows that even quiet traffic noise can decrease your concentration a lot.

Kate Yakimchuk noise traffic noise research work Psychology 8 July 2023