

Listening to music, a child hears not only sounds, but also the thoughts and desires of the composer. Under its influence, the creative imagination itself is created, and through it the perception of different aspects of life changes.

Diana Dashkevich children child development mental health Psychology 25 December 2023

A new experiment has revealed a curious link between people's musical preferences and their moral values. It offers new information on the impact of music on our moral compass.

Kate Yakimchuk research preferences Psychology 21 December 2023

This is a psychotherapeutic method based on the healing effects of music on a person’s psychological state, where music is used as a therapeutic agent. Music therapy refers to complex means of emotional and psychosensory influence.

Diana Dashkevich mental health psychotherapy psychologist tips fun facts Psychology 19 December 2023

As it turned out, music “inspired” by soothing sounds allows animals not only to relax, but also increases their appetite, and sounds similar to those that animals make when experiencing fear make them agitated.

Diana Dashkevich pets pets facts animal care Animals 14 November 2023

The researchers studied how transforming data into musical sounds can enhance data interpretation and engagement.  They developed custom "data-to-music" algorithms that convert digital data into musical compositions. 

Kate Yakimchuk research information memory Psychology 12 November 2023
man speaking

In a unique study at Albany Medical Center, neuroscientists set out to record brain activity while patients undergoing epilepsy surgery listened to Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in the Wall, Part 1."  The aim was to capture brain regions attuned to various musical attributes like tone, rhythm, harmony, and words, and recreate what the patients were hearing. 

Kate Yakimchuk research speech brain Psychology 29 August 2023

Music is an maazing tool that can improve your mental health and well-being, but it mght be even more effective than we thought. Researchers at Michigan State University have found that music-listening interventions can enhance the effectiveness of medicines, including for chemotherapy-induced nausea. 

Kate Yakimchuk research effects Psychology 27 August 2023
piano keys

While music is a powerful tool for changing emotions on its own, playing the piano can be even more helpful. A study from the University of Bath highlights the positive effects of learning to play a musical instrument on the brain's ability to process sights and sounds, as well as its potential to alleviate feelings of depression.

Kate Yakimchuk research stress depression Psychology 25 August 2023

A recent study from the University of Kansas sheds light on the relationship between memories, media, and emotions.  The research reveals that older songs and movie clips tend to evoke more memories and trigger happier associations than newer ones. 

Kate Yakimchuk research memory brain emotions Psychology 23 August 2023
music notes

Over the past five decades, claims about the positive effects of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's amazing music have garnered attention. However, a study published in Nature Scientific Reports, challenges the notion that Mozart's melody, specifically his Sonata KV448, has a beneficial impact on epilepsy.

Kate Yakimchuk research myths Psychology 21 August 2023
guitar playing

Music can heal your heart, and music education can make your life better. A recent USC study sheds light on the positive impact of music education on adolescents, extending beyond enhanced brain neural connections to actually boosting their overall well-being. 

Kate Yakimchuk research well-being Psychology 20 August 2023
child and mother

Music is amazing for its relaxing power, but it can also be pretty useful for children's development. Engaging infants through singing offers a valuable way to support social development and interaction, according to a new study. 

Kate Yakimchuk research children development Psychology 10 August 2023

Contrary to the widespread belief that music increases creativity, specialists have challenged this notion. Their new study claims that it might actually have quite the opposite effect.

Kate Yakimchuk creativity concentration brain research Psychology 20 July 2023

Music can be extremely useful for people in many aspects, and one of them - it helps to prevent (or minimize) cognitive decline. While it's not the panacea, it might actually work pretty well, a new study claims.

Kate Yakimchuk brain research Psychology 9 July 2023

Music can have different effects on a person and perform different functions. In the article we will talk about this in more detail.

Diana Dashkevich life facts mental health Psychology 9 July 2023

Do you listen to music when you need to learn something new or sleep better? Lots of people do - and that's why a team of researchers has studied the similarities between these different types of music.

Kate Yakimchuk research sleep studying Psychology 6 July 2023

While music and math might seem completely different, they can help each other. Using music on math lessons can help kids learn better, a new study claims.

Kate Yakimchuk intelligence research children Psychology 5 July 2023

People with psychopathic traits have difficulty recognizing and responding to the emotions of others. In the article we will talk about the features of the perception of music.

Diana Dashkevich facts studies emotions Psychology 28 June 2023