Roasting food is an action that every housewife performs almost every day.
The fact is that many dishes require just such a method of heat treatment. In addition, frying is also a way to heat up food.
Usually there are no problems with the implementation of this not the most difficult culinary action.

However, sometimes there is such a difficulty as the appearance of foam in the pan, the source of which was vegetable oil.
There is nothing good in this process: it becomes inconvenient to process food. In addition, the appearance of a bitter taste in the dish is not excluded.
Why does oil foam
Apparently, the housewives purchased unrefined (in other words, unrefined) vegetable oil.
Such a product is considered very useful due to the preservation of many important compounds. However, it is not suitable for frying. Best used as a salad dressing.
However, refined oil can also foam. This happens when water gets into the pan.
What to do if the oil foams
If the foam still appears and you want to finish cooking without problems, then the “foaming” process is quite easy to stop.
To do this, it is enough to salt the oil. Even a small amount of sodium chloride will stop the unpleasant process.
However, it is important to use only dry salt, otherwise the situation will only worsen. Thus, you should not take the spice with wet hands.