Is tea with sugar harmful: the opinion of nutritionists

20.05.2024 03:00

Some people drink tea with sugar, others without. Is it possible to add sugar to tea?

Is tea with sugar harmful to health

Sugar has no nutritional value, while one piece of refined sugar contains about ten kilocalories.

Therefore, even if you eat right, but often drink very sweet tea, you are unlikely to lose weight.

However, nutritionists recommend giving up sugar or reducing the amount of it in tea, and you will immediately notice progress in your well-being.

Sugar does not destroy the beneficial properties of tea, but you should not add a preservative to the drink.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Avoiding sugar in tea will help you normalize your mood, energy levels, sleep quality, and skin and hair condition.

If you don't have enough sweetness in your drink, you can add a little honey or Jerusalem artichoke syrup.

Why add sugar to tea

Sweet tea increases your blood glucose levels, which helps you feel more energized in the morning or throughout the day.

For the same reason, you can drink the drink if you feel weak or dizzy.

In this case, tea with sugar will improve a person’s well-being and give him strength.

There is also a plus for the taste buds, because sugar enhances the flavor of weakly brewed tea.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Is tea with sugar harmful to health
  2. Why add sugar to tea