Why you want to eat sweets: you will be shocked

04.06.2024 18:00

Sweet cravings are an eating habit. However, there may be other reasons for the desire to constantly eat sweets.

Why do you want to eat sweets

Most often, cravings for sweets are caused by the production of dopamine, which forms habits.

When a person eats sweets, insulin levels increase, which releases dopamine and makes one feel happy and good.

Therefore, the brain builds the logic that when we eat sweets, we feel better.

However, cravings for sweets can be caused by diseases or inflammation of the intestines and other disorders in the body.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The fact is that pathogenic intestinal bacteria love to feed on sugar.

Another reason for loving sweets is an unbalanced diet.

How to break the habit of eating sweets

If it is a habit, it is important to form new behavior. Try replacing sweets with another food or activity to feel good.

For example, it could be unsweetened but tasty food, fruits, vegetables, cheese, nuts, dried fruits or berries.

You can also brew tea, make a smoothie or other drink.

If it's about your health, it's important to get it in order.

In addition, watch your diet. Your food should consist of different types of protein - seafood, fish, meat, mushrooms, nuts, legumes, dairy products, chicken eggs, offal.

In addition, healthy fats include fatty fish, nuts, flax seeds, chicken yolk, avocado, sesame seeds, cheeses, yogurt.

Add more fiber and vitamins to your diet - fruits, vegetables, and berries.

Don't forget about complex carbohydrates - grain bread, wholemeal pasta, crispbread, toast.

We previously talked about the health benefits of asparagus.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why do you want to eat sweets
  2. How to break the habit of eating sweets