Banana Tree: How to Grow at Home

28.07.2023 15:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

It is quite possible to grow a banana tree right on your own windowsill, and you will not need to buy banana seeds separately. We germinate seedlings directly from the pulp of a store-bought banana on paper, and then simply transplant them into the ground.

Is it possible to grow bananas in an apartment

Banana is a plant that each of us clearly associates with the hot tropics. And it seems to many that it is impossible to grow it in our climatic conditions. In fact, it is possible, but it will have to be grown exclusively in an apartment or a greenhouse, otherwise it simply will not work to create the conditions necessary for the plant.

What kind of soil is needed for a banana

Banana potting soil is easy to buy at any garden store, but you can make your own potting mix. To do this, we need the usual universal soil based on biohumus, to which it is recommended to add river sand and wood ash.

Photo: Pixabay

How much does a banana grow at home

At home, a banana blooms in the 3-4th year. The fruits ripen in 6-10 months.

How often should a banana be watered

In winter, the plant is watered more moderately. The second time the banana is watered only when the earth in the pot dries out. To do this, after a couple of days, the surface of the soil in the pot is checked by squeezing a clod of earth with three fingers. If it crumbles, then water again also abundantly.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Is it possible to grow bananas in an apartment
  2. What kind of soil is needed for a banana
  3. How much does a banana grow at home
  4. How often should a banana be watered