Begonia: Growing and Care

24.11.2023 16:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Begonia should grow in a moderately lit place.

What should be a pot for begonias

First, the begonia is planted in a small pot, and as it grows, the container is increased - by 3 cm in diameter on average.

If you immediately plant a plant in a container that is too large, its roots may begin to rot.


How to grow begonia flower correctly

Plants from the flowering group grow better under diffused rays of light; decorative deciduous varieties prefer partial shade.

The optimal place for pots with begonias is window sills on the western or eastern side.

Begonia loves moisture, like most tropical plants.

What begonia likes and dislikes

Begonia loves diffused light. Direct sunlight is harmful to the plant; it can leave burns on the foliage.

The best place to locate this plant is considered to be eastern or western windows.

During the hottest hours, it is better to shade the flowers by covering the windows with a curtain or blinds.

How many times a week should begonia be watered

On average, plants are watered once or twice a week during the growing season.

In the summer heat, the frequency can be increased, but you must always monitor the condition of the soil in the pot.

If the soil is wet, then watering should be postponed.

Do I need to prune begonia

Regular pruning will not only not harm the plant, but will also help the beautiful flowering Begonia to bloom more.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What should be a pot for begonias
  2. How to grow begonia flower correctly
  3. What begonia likes and dislikes
  4. How many times a week should begonia be watered
  5. Do I need to prune begonia