Eupatorium: Secrets of Growing

29.11.2023 16:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

In one area, the sapling bush grows for 8-10 years.

Immediately think about a place for planting, because the window sill does not tolerate frequent division and replanting - they affect its flowering and decorativeness.

How to grow saplings

The planting site for the sill can be either in a well-lit area or in partial shade, on any garden soil, even constantly moist, in a lowland.


The main thing in summer care is abundant watering; the soil at the roots should not dry out completely.

Especially if the perennial has already come into force and thrown out its umbrella brushes.

How to feed the window sill

Feeding. The unpretentious sapling requires feeding three times a day - in spring, in June and during the formation of buds. Apply complex mineral fertilizers to the soil.

Why do Eupatorium eaves turn yellow

If the plant turns yellow and loses a lot of leaves, the light is too low, so increase it.

Repot the plant immediately in its final location or in a new pot if conditions are right.

When replanting, clean the roots of the plant and keep the root system intact.

How to trim a Eupatorium

There is no need to prune the plant to form a bush, but remove fading inflorescences so that the ripe seeds, once in the ground, do not cause self-seeding. In the fall, to prevent self-seeding, cut off all faded inflorescences.

Before the onset of winter, cut the bush, leaving stems 10-15 cm high.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to grow saplings
  2. How to feed the window sill
  3. Why do Eupatorium eaves turn yellow
  4. How to trim a Eupatorium