Pink hydrangea looks unusual and will surely be a decoration for your garden. In the article, you will learn how to grow a beautiful and healthy plant.
Why does hydrangea turn pink
Hydrangea is a lover of acidic soils.
If the pH is below 5.5, a rich blue hue is obtained. If this indicator increases, the color gradually turns into purple, pink, and at an indicator above 6.5 it becomes completely reddish.

Care and cultivation of pink hydrangea
A bush of pink hydrangea is dug up in spring and divided by rooting buds.
Divided roots must be sprinkled with charcoal to eliminate the possibility of disease.
Pits for planting are prepared in advance. Dig out to a depth of and fill with humus, sand, peat and removed fertile soil in the ratio 2:1:1:2.
Hydrangea paniculata loves moisture so much that it also feels great on marshy soils. The plant is not too photophilous, easily tolerates polluted air, but is afraid of the winds, so it can be safely planted along the fences near the road.
What to do to make hydrangea pink or red
- Add dolomite flour to the soil, which will immediately reduce acidity.
- Feed with organic matter, but completely rotted.
- Apply mineral fertilizer, including potassium, nitrogen, and calcium.
- Do not use materials that acidify the earth - coniferous litter or peat.
- Mulch with straw.