The yield of garlic depends on fertilizers. In this article, we will tell you how best to feed garlic.
What are the benefits of feeding garlic
If the garlic has turned yellow only at the tips of the leaves, then first carry out the procedure for deoxidizing the soil.
Then you need to fertilize with potassium.

To keep the garlic large, it is important to fertilize it at the beginning of the growing season.
To do this, you can use different types of fertilizers.
For a rich garlic harvest, soil is also of great importance.
On acidic soil, a month before digging, you can feed the garlic with ash.
If the soil has a high pH, then it is better not to use ash.
The ash contains large amounts of potassium and phosphorus, as well as calcium and magnesium.
In the spring, as soon as the snow has gone, you can fertilize with nitrogen.
This will help stimulate the growth and development of the garlic root system.
When winter garlic begins to sprout in the spring, add another fertilizer.
For fertilizing, it is advisable to apply fertilizers with watering.
Garlic tolerates chlorine well. Therefore, use potassium chloride for feeding.
Dissolve 3 tablespoons in a bucket of water.
Water one glass under each plant. With any feeding, there are rules that must be followed.
Garlic should not be fed on dry soil.
Garlic does not like frequent watering. If there is no rain, watering it once a week is enough.
Previously, we told you how to grow peonies.