How to feed peppers in the summer: they grow large and tasty - an interesting trick

23.05.2024 17:00

For a good pepper harvest, fertilizing is important. Fertilizers may vary.

How and what to feed peppers in summer

Towards the end of summer, peppers can be fertilized with a small amount of nitrogen.

You can use complex fertilizers with a small content of the substance.

To fertilize vegetables, it is also useful to use complex mineral and organic fertilizers.

Apply compost or manure to the soil before planting peppers, and mineral fertilizers throughout the growing season.

Photo: © Belnovosti

In summer, it is also permissible to use any organic fertilizers - manure, compost, humus.

Any complex mineral fertilizers intended for vegetables.

The vegetable also likes to be fertilized with a solution or nettle mixture.

In addition, wood ash is perfect as a top dressing for peppers.

Use fertilizer 1-2 times a week and your harvest will become larger and tastier.

What not to feed peppers

Experienced gardeners do not recommend fertilizing peppers with chloride fertilizers.

After all, this is not the most successful feeding for peppers.

Previously, we told you how to grow canna.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How and what to feed peppers in summer
  2. What not to feed peppers