In this article we will tell you how and what to feed strawberries for a good harvest.
In addition, you will learn what not to fertilize berries with.
The best way to feed strawberries
To fertilize strawberries, use iodine, wood ash, and yeast.

Strawberries need phosphorus before flowering. Feed the bushes with infusion of mullein or chicken droppings in a ratio of 1:10.
For better flowering, spray the plants with a solution of boric acid.
During flowering of the plantings, a solution of chicken droppings, mullein or slurry should be added to the soil.
Substances are diluted in water, strictly observing the proportions: chicken droppings - 1 to 10, mullein - 1 to 5, slurry - 1 to 3. Water the plants at the root at the rate of half a liter per bush.
To protect strawberries from pests and diseases, feed them in the spring before flowering and immediately after fruiting using ammonia, which is available to everyone.
What should you not fertilize strawberries with
Professional gardeners believe that one of the most dangerous fertilizers for strawberries is nitrogen.
If you overfeed strawberries with nitrogen, it begins to increase green mass, but the berries may not set.
Previously, we told you how to plant and grow raspberries.