How to Grow Garden Blackberries: Helpful Tips

21.08.2024 20:00

You can grow garden blackberries in your garden yourself.

How to Grow Garden Blackberries

Blackberries prefer sunny places, but they can be planted both in the shade and in open sunny areas.

In the sun, the berries become more numerous and sweet. In shady places, young shoots often stretch out.

Blackberries should be pruned in September, immediately after the end of fruiting, when the fruiting shoots begin to dry out.

In order not to harm the plant, it is important to prune the bushes correctly. The main shoots are cut with pruning shears, which allow you to make a neat and clean cut.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Blackberries need regular watering, especially during dry periods. It is important that watering is moderate to prevent stagnation of water.

At the beginning of the growing season, fertilizing with nitrogen-rich fertilizers is recommended, and before flowering - with fertilizers high in potassium.

This helps improve growth and increase yields.

To provide plants with optimal nutrition, organic and mineral fertilizers should be alternated, changing them every season.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource