If you want to have a huge garden, then it can be very time-consuming, but it's not the main goal for every gardener.
Spending just an hour a day on gardening can still allow you to maintain a well-kept and enjoyable garden.
Here's how to make the most of your gardening time.

Plan Ahead
Create a gardening schedule that outlines tasks for each day of the week.
This way, you can focus on specific tasks during your hour without feeling overwhelmed.
Prioritize Tasks
Identify the most important tasks that need to be done to keep your garden in good shape.
Prioritize tasks like watering, weeding, and deadheading flowers.
Set a Timer
When you start your gardening hour, set a timer to stay on track.
This can help you manage your time efficiently and prevent spending too long on a single task.
Focus on High-Impact Areas
Concentrate on areas of your garden that are most visible or frequently used.
This ensures that your efforts are noticeable and enhance the overall garden experience.
Choose Low-Maintenance Plants
Opt for plants that require less care, such as native plants or drought-tolerant varieties.
These plants will demand less attention and upkeep.
Automate Watering
Consider using a timed sprinkler or a drip irrigation system to automate watering.
This saves time and ensures plants receive consistent moisture.
Combine Tasks
Combine similar tasks, such as pruning and deadheading, into the same gardening session to maximize efficiency.
If you have family members or housemates, involve them in your gardening routine.
Delegating tasks can make gardening more enjoyable and reduce the workload.