Potatoes need to be prepared for planting. In this article, we will tell you how to do this.
How to prepare potatoes for planting
To prepare the tubers, you need to place them in containers and sprinkle them with wet peat, humus and sawdust.
Place the container in a dark room where the air temperature is from +12 to +15 degrees.

In such an environment, the tubers will form not only sprouts, but also root rudiments.
In addition, root vegetables retain moisture and nutrients better.
For storage before planting, potatoes should be placed in boxes or spread out in an even layer.
The room needs to be maintained at a stable temperature.
The tubers, as soon as sprouts begin to appear on them, should be turned in different directions so that the sun's rays evenly cover the potatoes.
After about 25 days, the potatoes are usually ready to plant.
The disadvantage of this method is the need to control temperature and light.
Since potatoes are a heat-loving crop, plant the vegetable when there is no frost.
If a sharp cold snap is predicted in the near future, it is better to postpone planting.
A good potato harvest can be obtained even with summer planting.
Previously, we told you how to fertilize plants using table salt.