How to use salt as a top dressing: not all summer residents know - original methods

22.04.2024 19:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Not many people know that salt can be used as a fertilizer.

In this, article we will tell you why and how to fertilize plants with salt.

Why is it worth using salt as a fertilizer

Fertilizing with salt can help gardeners improve soil quality, promote drainage, and prevent moisture build-up.

This method is especially useful for gardens with clay soil.

In addition, the salt contains trace elements such as zinc, iron and magnesium.


In addition, this method of fertilization can help in the fight against pests and weeds.

However, too high a concentration of salt in the soil can harm plants in the garden.

Therefore you need to be careful.

What plants can be fertilized with salt

You can use a salt fertilizer on root crops such as carrots and beets.

Fertilizer will help you if these vegetable crops do not have enough sugar.

To fertilize, sprinkle table salt in early spring on the snow around fruit trees.

This will improve the quality of the fruit.

Previously, we told you where it is best to grow pears in the garden.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why is it worth using salt as a fertilizer
  2. What plants can be fertilized with salt