These bright shrubs will be a real decoration for your garden. In addition, hydrangeas are easy to care for. In the article, we will talk about the basic rules for growing and caring for lacecap hydrangea.
Landing place
For planting the plant, choose partial shade. The hydrangea needs a lot of sun in the morning, but does not tolerate the hot afternoon sun very well.
The distance between several plants depends on the variety.

Lacecap hydrangea prefers a moderately warm and humid climate. Hot and humid weather is not quite suitable for plant growth.
Choose nutritious, well-drained, moist soil.
The acidity level of the earth can affect the color of the flowers.
In more acidic soil, the flowers are blue, and in alkaline soil, they are pink.
The plant prefers moderate watering.
Test soil dryness by sticking your finger in 4 inches.
Top dressing will help speed up the process of growth and flowering of the shrub.
Fertilize the plant with compost and other products according to the instructions for use.
Fertilize only in the spring, as this will encourage hydrangea growth.
If you fertilize the plant in the fall, it is fraught with dying off in the cold season.