Tips for Gardeners: How to Grow Peonies

20.04.2023 22:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Despite the size of peonies and their beauty, flowers are not picky in care. Peonies are disease resistant, they need little water and with proper care they can live as long as 100 years.


Different varieties of peonies prefer different degrees of illumination:

Herbaceous peonies love lots of sunlight.
Tree peonies prefer shade.

The best time to plant flowers is early April.

Choose large, firm roots with numerous eyes for planting.

Photo: Pixabay

Planting depth depends on your climate: the warmer, the closer to the surface the roots.

In addition, you can plant a peony grown in a container in the garden.

Peony bushes grow up to 8 pounds tall and have a long life - often up to 60 years and sometimes more.

Tree peonies are often planted in the fall so that the roots have time to develop.

After planting, peonies should be regularly watered and trimmed.


Choose a place for peonies where nothing will disturb, as these flowers are real centenarians.

Peonies need both sun and shade. Then the bush will live for a long time.

Plant peonies in moist, well-drained soil: without other plants.

Since the peony flowers are very large, they need to be propped up so that they do not fall.

Rings or stakes with ropes are suitable for this purpose.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Cultivation
  2. Care