In this article, we will tell you how you can save roses after frost and damaged shoots.
What to do if roses turn black
If roses turn black after a period of winter dormancy, this does not always mean that the plant is damaged by frost; most often, damage after wintering is the result of illiterate care of the bushes.
Damaged black shoots should be cut back to healthy tissue, and the cut areas should be treated with garden pitch or brilliant green.

In addition, roses turn black due to viral and fungal diseases, of which there are more than a dozen.
As a rule, this is due to unfavorable weather conditions (high humidity or drought), poor lighting, dense rose gardens, and mechanical damage to plants.
How to tell if a rose is dead or not
Rose is one of the few flower crops that can grow in the garden in one place for up to 20-25 years.
In protected soil, bushes are usually used for 5-7 years.
The rose froze or did not survive the winter well if the cut of the green part of the branch has a brown center.
On the other hand, over time, you suddenly notice that green shoots burst or turn black.
The shoots are not flexible, but hard and brittle, and the trunk of the climbing rose remained above the level of snow cover or in a standing position all winter.
How to save a rose bush
Trim off any dead or diseased rosebush shoots.
Because they can spread to the rest of the plant.
Trim dead or diseased branches to the crown of the bush.
Diseased branches often have spots and appear wilted or dying.
Previously, we told you how and what to feed carrots with.