What to do if the tomatoes in the garden have wilted: useful tips for gardeners

21.07.2024 20:00

Tomatoes often wilt, and their leaves curl and turn yellow. With what it can be connected?

Why are tomatoes wilted

Since tomatoes prefer warm climates and soil temperatures between 20-28 degrees Celsius, other conditions can harm the plants and cause limp leaves.

Low air and soil temperatures stress plants, causing leaves to curl and wilt.

In addition, this can be affected by excess salt content in the soil.

This can stress tomatoes and cause leaf curl in plants.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The fact is that high levels of salts make it difficult for plants to absorb water.

This, in turn, causes an imbalance of nutrients in the plants.

As a result, tomato leaves may curl and appear yellowed.

Lack of nitrogen causes tomato leaves to turn yellow as the plant sucks up nitrogen to stimulate the growth of new young leaves.

Iron deficiency or low magnesium levels are also common problems for gardeners.

What to do if tomatoes are wilted

If plants wilt due to lack of moisture, change the watering schedule. Increase the amount of water.

If the weather is hot, water quickly evaporates from the soil.

Water your garden plants only in the early morning and late evening.

The fact is that high air temperatures during the day contribute to the rapid evaporation of moisture in the soil and the water does not have time to reach the roots of the plant.

To grow tomatoes, deep watering once a week in hot, dry weather is sufficient.

Apply water directly to the soil around the base of the plants using a garden hose or submersible hose.

In addition, improve the quality of the soil by using fertilizers and mulch.

Monitor soil acidity levels and mineral content.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why are tomatoes wilted
  2. What to do if tomatoes are wilted