Some plants are best planted in the fall.
Why plant flowers in the fall
Planting flowers in the fall has several advantages.
Firstly, it can be done calmly, carefully thinking through the design of the future flower bed and marking its contours.

In addition, seedlings planted in the fall usually grow healthier and stronger compared to spring planting.
What flowers can be planted in the fall
In the fall, you can plant plants such as adonis, calendula, cosmos, lavatera, cornflower, godetia in the garden.
Fall is a great time to plant rhizomes of peonies, delphiniums, as well as lupine, dicentra, alpine aster.
These plants will bloom for you next season.
Among the cold-resistant types of flowers, you can choose asters.
They will have time to grow and bloom in the fall.
In early September, you can plant plants such as brunnera, lupine, and perennial aster.
Also, for flowering in early spring, plant bulbs of tulips, hyacinths, crocuses, muscari, lilies, and irises in the fall.