What insects are good for the garden: amazing facts

06.08.2024 20:00

Some insects bring great benefits to the garden.

What Insects Are Good for Gardening

Insects play a crucial role in maintaining the health and productivity of gardens. 

Among these, bees are perhaps the most essential for the survival of humanity. 

Honey bees, in particular, are vital because they are responsible for a significant amount of pollination. 

This process is critical for the reproduction of many plants, including those that produce fruits and vegetables.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Without bees, our food supply would be severely impacted.

Another beneficial insect is the ladybug. Often referred to as a plant protector, the ladybug is a true ally in the fight against harmful insects such as aphids. 

These small, colorful beetles consume large quantities of aphids and other pests, helping to keep plants healthy and free from damage.

How to Attract Beneficial Insects to the Garden

To attract beneficial insects to your garden, it's important to create an environment that supports their needs. 

One effective way to do this is by sowing nectar-bearing plants. Mustard, parsley, thyme, and phacelia are excellent choices.

These plants provide the nectar and pollen that beneficial insects need to thrive.

Additionally, herbs such as dill, celery, caraway, and coriander are also suitable for attracting beneficial insects. 

These plants not only enhance the flavor of your culinary dishes but also serve as a food source for insects that help control garden pests.

Creating a diverse garden with a variety of plants can also encourage beneficial insects to take up residence.

By providing a range of flowering plants that bloom at different times, you can ensure that there is always a food source available for these helpful creatures.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What Insects Are Good for Gardening
  2. How to Attract Beneficial Insects to the Garden