What is Random Gardening: Important Information

01.08.2024 20:00

Random gardening is a new term that is gaining popularity.

What is Random Gardening

Random gardening is a method of planting where the gardener plants plants randomly on purpose.

There is no need to create beds with clear areas and boundaries.

You mix the seeds of plants and plant them together.

This method of gardening helps make it accessible to beginners and saves time and effort.

Photo: © Belnovosti

How to Make a Random Garden

Mix different types of seeds - flowers, vegetables and herbs.

Mixing plants helps to create a diverse ecosystem in the garden, which attracts pollinators and helps control pests.

Separate the seeds by size: larger from smaller.

Then you can soak the seeds or not.

Prepare the soil before planting the seeds.

Loosen the surface and remove weeds.

Mark the planting boundaries. After this, scatter the larger seeds first, then the smaller ones on top.

Add a layer of compost, soil and water on top.

Keep the soil constantly moist. This is especially important during the initial period of germination.

However, do not make the soil too wet, as this can lead to the seeds rotting in the soil.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is Random Gardening
  2. How to Make a Random Garden