Why cucumbers are bitter: not all summer residents know - this is worth remembering

11.03.2024 00:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

In this article, we will tell you why cucumbers are bitter.

It is important not to make some mistakes in growing.

Why are cucumbers bitter

Incorrect watering. Therefore, the intensity of watering and the amount of water also affect the taste of the cucumber.

If they don’t have enough water, the fruits will be bitter.

Nevertheless, if there is a lot of water, the soil will be wet and cold, which will lead to fungal damage to the roots.


This will also affect the taste of the cucumbers: bitterness will appear.

The compound cucurbitacin is responsible for the bitter taste of cucumbers.

For example, in hot, dry weather, cucumbers, which, as you know, are 98% water.

Probably, the vegetables do not have enough moisture, as a result of which the plant experiences stress, the vegetable peel becomes more rigid and inelastic.

What to pour on cucumbers to prevent them from becoming bitter

First of all, warm water. It is necessary to follow the watering regime and carry out the procedure only in warm weather to avoid temperature changes.

In unfavorable weather, the beds should be covered with film, a lightweight non-woven material, so that the plants do not freeze.

Previously, we told you how to get rid of slugs in your garden.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why are cucumbers bitter
  2. What to pour on cucumbers to prevent them from becoming bitter