Cleaning the stove is not the most pleasant work, especially if you have to clean old grease.
It is especially hard to wash the grille of a gas stove.
You may use chemical cleansers which give a good effect, but they are very expensive.

That’s way you may use some folk methods which are much cheaper and easily solve the problem.
Experienced housewives use spirit of ammonia to clean the grille. Don’t forget to use protective gloves and a mask to protect your body.
Firstly, mix spirit of ammonia and water in 1:1 proportion. Then pour this liquid into a container with a spray.
Put the grille into a package and clean a metal surface in it.
Then move the package with the grille to the terrace, so pungent smell will not spread over the flat. You can handle all the procedure from beginning at the terrace.
Afterwards, the grille is easily cleaned with the help of water and sponge.