Decorate your house with candles: Interior tips

20.11.2023 22:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

One of the prettiest things you can do to your house is to use lots of decorative candles - that's why people love them so much!

Scented decorative candles are amazing for home decor, whether they're lit or not, and there are plenty of ways you can place them.

Here are a few ideas on how to use them to decorate your house. 

Table Centerpiece Extravaganza

Arrange candles of varying heights in the center of your dining or coffee table. 

Consider using candle holders or placing them on a decorative tray. 


You can mix and match colors and scents for a personalized touch.

Window Sill Wonderland

Transform your window sills into a charming display by placing candles in different shapes and sizes. 

When the sun sets, the flickering candlelight adds a magical glow to your living space.

Bathroom Spa Retreat

Elevate your self-care routine by placing candles along the edges of your bathtub or on bathroom counters.

The soft glow creates a soothing ambiance, turning your bathroom into a mini spa.

Floating Candle Serenity

Fill a bowl or glass container with water and float candles on the surface. 

This not only looks enchanting but also brings a sense of tranquility to any room.

Bookshelf Illumination

Integrate small candles among your book collection on the shelves. 

It adds a touch of sophistication, turning your reading nook into a cozy escape.

Al Fresco Candlelight

Embrace the outdoors by placing candles in mason jars and hanging them from tree branches or scattering them on outdoor tables. 

Perfect for a romantic dinner or creating a warm ambiance for a night under the stars.

Staircase Elegance

Line your staircase with candles for a subtle and sophisticated glow. 

It not only enhances the beauty of your staircase but also serves a practical purpose, lighting your way in the evening.

Bedside Bliss

Place candles on your bedside table to create a serene atmosphere before bedtime. 

Opt for calming scents like lavender for a peaceful night's sleep.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Table Centerpiece Extravaganza
  2. Window Sill Wonderland
  3. Bathroom Spa Retreat
  4. Floating Candle Serenity
  5. Bookshelf Illumination
  6. Al Fresco Candlelight
  7. Staircase Elegance
  8. Bedside Bliss