Decorating hall walls: Make all parts of your interior beautiful

01.08.2023 12:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Decorating hall walls can transform the space and add personality to your home. 

Even while lots of people don't pay much attention to their hall interiors, it's actually a perfect opportunity to show your taste and interests.

Here are some creative ideas to spruce up your hall walls.

Gallery Wall

Create a visually stunning display by arranging a collection of framed photos, artworks, and prints. 

Mix and match different frame sizes and styles to add variety.


Floating Shelves

Install floating shelves to showcase decorative items, books, or small potted plants. 

This adds both storage and an eye-catching display.

Wall Sconces

Install wall sconces to add ambient lighting and create a warm and inviting atmosphere in the hall.

Textile Wall Hangings

Hang woven tapestries, macramé, or fabric wall hangings to introduce texture and a bohemian vibe to the hall.

Wall Planters

Install wall-mounted planters or vertical gardens to bring a touch of nature indoors and freshen up the hall.

Chalkboard or Corkboard

Create an interactive space by adding a chalkboard or corkboard where you can write notes, display art, or pin important papers.

Art and Typography

Hang typography posters or inspirational quotes that resonate with your style and personality.

Washi Tape Wall Art

Use colorful washi tape to create geometric patterns or designs directly on the walls.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Gallery Wall
  2. Floating Shelves
  3. Wall Sconces
  4. Textile Wall Hangings
  5. Wall Planters
  6. Chalkboard or Corkboard
  7. Art and Typography
  8. Washi Tape Wall Art