Expert Opinion: What Light Helps You Wake Up

18.01.2024 03:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Cold light invigorates, stimulates the nervous system, increases efficiency, and in addition, makes the space visually freer.

What light helps you wake up faster in the morning

Natural morning light remains the best option.

If you wake up after dawn, the first thing you do is open the curtains and expose yourself to the morning rays - even if it’s cloudy outside, it’s better than nothing.


After all, even in cloudy weather the street will be twice as bright as in the average office.

Therefore, scientists recommend bright bluish lighting in the morning to wake up faster, and in the evening it is advisable to avoid the blue part of the spectrum.

By the way, the now widespread energy-saving lamps, and especially LED lamps, emit a lot of blue rays.

What color promotes sleep

Blue, the color of the sky and ocean, evokes a feeling of calm, which can help improve sleep.

While blue tops the list, it's not for everyone.

Shades of green, yellow and orange, as well as grey, coral and beige, can also improve sleep quality, according to interior designers and decorators.

Previously, we talked about creative lighting.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What light helps you wake up faster in the morning
  2. What color promotes sleep