How gadgets can ruin your interior design: Hide them to make your living space look better

13.05.2024 21:24

While a huge new TV or a laptop are often seen as an integral part of each living room, it doesn't mean these gadgets make it look better.

Interior designers often advise not to expose gadgets too much, because they can make your interior look worse.

Here's why it happens.


Visual clutter

Gadgets often come with cables, cords, and chargers that can create visual clutter when left exposed. 

Wires running across the room can disrupt the clean lines and aesthetics of a well-designed space. 

This tangled mess can be distracting and take away from the overall visual appeal of your interior.

Disruption of focal points

A well-designed interior typically has focal points that draw attention and create a sense of balance and harmony. 

Placing gadgets in prominent areas can disrupt these focal points and divert attention away from carefully curated design elements such as artwork, furniture, or architectural features.

Conflicting styles

Gadgets often have a distinct modern or futuristic aesthetic that may clash with the existing interior design style. 

Introducing gadgets that don't align with the overall theme or style of the space can create a visual imbalance and disrupt the cohesive look you desire.

Scale and proportion

Gadgets vary in size, and if they are disproportionately large or small compared to the surrounding elements, they can throw off the scale and proportion of a room. 

Oversized gadgets can dominate a space and make it feel cramped, while undersized gadgets may appear insignificant and out of place.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Visual clutter
  2. Disruption of focal points
  3. Conflicting styles
  4. Scale and proportion