How not to design your child's bedroom: Trends that aren't trendy anymore

11.08.2023 12:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Children's bedroom design trends can change over time as preferences and styles evolve. 

Some designs that were once popular may no longer be considered trendy. 

Here are a few children's bedroom design elements that have fallen out of favor.

Overly Themed Rooms

While themed rooms used to be popular, such as characters from movies or cartoons dominating the decor, many parents now prefer more versatile and timeless designs that can easily adapt as the child's interests change.

Bright and Bold Colors

While vibrant colors can be stimulating, many parents and designers are opting for more subtle and calming color palettes that create a serene environment conducive to sleep and relaxation.

children bedroom

Gender-Specific Themes

Designing rooms strictly based on gender stereotypes is becoming less common. 

Parents are embracing gender-neutral or gender-inclusive designs that focus on the child's individual preferences rather than traditional notions of femininity or masculinity.

Busy Wallpaper

Overly busy or intricate wallpaper designs can make a room feel crowded and visually overwhelming. 

Many modern designs lean towards more subtle and calming wall treatments.

One-Size-Fits-All Designs

Children's bedroom designs that don't take the child's age and developmental needs into account are becoming less popular. 

Parents are seeking designs that can grow and adapt with the child over time.

Clichéd Accessories

Accessories like glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling or wall decals of popular characters are less trendy. 

Parents are opting for more unique and personalized decor items that reflect the child's interests and creativity.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Overly Themed Rooms
  2. Bright and Bold Colors
  3. Gender-Specific Themes
  4. Busy Wallpaper
  5. One-Size-Fits-All Designs
  6. Clichéd Accessories