Appliances that make your kitchen look cluttered: It's better to hide them when you don't use them

17.06.2023 08:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Kitchens tend to have a lot of useful appliances, but you don't have to showcase them all at once.

It's usually best to hide things you don't need on a regular basis to keep the kitchen clean and tidy.

Here are some examples.

Countertop Appliances

Small kitchen appliances that are frequently left out on the countertop can create visual clutter. 

Examples include toasters, coffee makers, blenders, and electric kettles. 


Bulky or Unused Appliances

Large or infrequently used appliances can also contribute to a cluttered look. 

If these appliances are taking up valuable counter or storage space without being utilized regularly, they can make the kitchen appear cluttered.

Multiples of the Same Appliance

Having multiple appliances of the same type can add to visual clutter. 

For instance, having two or three coffee makers or multiple toasters can make the countertop look crowded. 

Miscellaneous Gadgets

Various smaller gadgets such as can openers, electric grills, rice cookers, or juicers can accumulate and take up space on the countertop or in cabinets. 

Excessive Cookware and Bakeware

While not appliances per se, an abundance of cookware and bakeware can add to the overall cluttered look of the kitchen. 

Pots, pans, baking sheets, and muffin tins that are scattered across the countertops or overflowing from cabinets can create a disorganized and cluttered atmosphere.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Countertop Appliances
  2. Bulky or Unused Appliances
  3. Multiples of the Same Appliance
  4. Miscellaneous Gadgets
  5. Excessive Cookware and Bakeware