Housekeeping tips: Fixing a rusty door lock

15.01.2024 13:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Door locks have to be reliable and strong, and they should also work perfectly, so you won't get stuck outside or inside for hours.

Unfortunately, some door locks can become rusty, so it will be nearly impossible to lock or unlock them.

Here are a few things you can do to fix it.

Identify the rusty lock

Check your door lock to see if there is rust on it. 

Rust appears as a reddish-brown coating on metal surfaces.


Lubricate the lock

Apply a lubricant, such as a spray or oil, to the rusty parts of the lock. 

The lubricant helps to loosen and dissolve the rust, making it easier to remove.

Use a wire brush

Gently scrub the rusty areas of the lock with a wire brush. 

This helps to remove the loosened rust and restore the smoothness of the metal surface.

Wipe away debris

After brushing off the rust, use a clean cloth to wipe away any debris or remaining rust particles from the lock.

Apply a rust remover

If the rust is stubborn and doesn't come off with brushing, you can use a rust remover solution. 

Follow the instructions on the product and apply it to the affected areas.

Be sure to protect your hands and eyes by wearing gloves and goggles if required.

Rinse and dry

After using a rust remover, rinse the lock with water and dry it thoroughly with a clean cloth. 

This helps to remove any residue from the rust remover and prevents further rusting.

Prevent future rust

To prevent future rusting, consider applying a rust-resistant coating or a thin layer of lubricant to the lock. 

This can help protect the metal surface from moisture and oxidation.

Previously, we talked about washing cashmere clothes.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Identify the rusty lock
  2. Lubricate the lock
  3. Use a wire brush
  4. Wipe away debris
  5. Apply a rust remover
  6. Rinse and dry
  7. Prevent future rust