Housekeeping tips: Replacing a damage part of parquet floor

12.01.2024 14:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Parquet floors can be extremely long-lasting and beautiful, but you can still accidentally damage them.

The good thing is, you don't have to change the parquet completely to fix the problem – you can always replace a part of it.

Here's how you can do it.

Assess the Damage

Start by examining the damaged area of the parquet. Determine if it's a small section or if it extends to nearby pieces. 

This will help you understand the scope of the repair needed.


Gather Replacement Pieces

Look for spare or matching parquet pieces that you can use to replace the damaged section. 

If you don't have any, check with local flooring suppliers or search online for matching pieces.

Remove the Damaged Piece

Carefully remove the damaged parquet piece using a chisel and hammer. 

Be gentle to avoid damaging surrounding pieces. Remove any adhesive or nails that may be holding it in place.

Cut the Replacement Piece

Measure the dimensions of the removed piece and use those measurements to cut the replacement piece to the same size. 

A saw or a chisel can be used to make the necessary cuts.

Prepare the Subfloor

Ensure the subfloor is clean and free of debris. 

If needed, scrape away any old adhesive or leveling compound to create a smooth surface for the replacement piece.

Apply Adhesive

Apply a suitable adhesive to the back of the replacement piece, following the manufacturer's instructions. 

Spread it evenly to ensure proper adhesion.

Install the Replacement Piece

Carefully place the replacement piece into the vacant spot, aligning it with the surrounding parquet. 

Press it down firmly to ensure it sticks to the subfloor.

Finishing Touches

Use a damp cloth to wipe away any excess adhesive that may have squeezed out around the edges of the replacement piece. 

Allow the adhesive to dry according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Previously, we talked about cleaning an entrance mat.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Assess the Damage
  2. Gather Replacement Pieces
  3. Remove the Damaged Piece
  4. Cut the Replacement Piece
  5. Prepare the Subfloor
  6. Apply Adhesive
  7. Install the Replacement Piece
  8. Finishing Touches