

If you have tall trees in your garden, then there's always a chance that it can get struck with lightning.  Sometimes it can be quite dangerous, because it can turn into a big fire, and even after the tree might be unsafe.

Kate Yakimchuk lightning gardening tips fruit trees danger Garden 25 January 2024

Parquet floors can be extremely long-lasting and beautiful, but you can still accidentally damage them. The good thing is, you don't have to change the parquet completely to fix the problem – you can always replace a part of it.

Kate Yakimchuk fixing Helpful tips 12 January 2024

While some types of laminate can be waterproof, most of them aren't – so they can swell. When it happens, you can sometimes save the day and reverse the damage, but some parts of your floor might still need replacements.

Kate Yakimchuk laminate fixing humidity Helpful tips 12 January 2024

Exposure to pesticide sprays is widely known to harm honey bees. A recent study has revealed its impact on their sense of smell, potentially disrupting their communication signals.

Kate Yakimchuk research bees Animals 6 January 2024

In most cases, simple cleaning powder can be your most effective tool to fight stubborn stains. Meanwhile, it can also be too effective or aggressive sometimes, so you can't just use it every time.

Kate Yakimchuk cleaning mistakes stains maintenance Helpful tips 19 December 2023

One of the most unpleasant things that can happen to your plastic surfaces is them becoming sticky. Sometimes it's enough just to clean them to fix that problem, but sometimes it can only make things worse.

Kate Yakimchuk plastic Helpful tips 24 November 2023

There are plenty of things that can accidentally damage your furniture, whether you try to be careful with it or not. For instance, you can accidentally damage your furniture's covers while remodeling, replacing, or simply misusing it.

Kate Yakimchuk furniture tips Helpful tips 23 November 2023

Helping other people is always a great thing, but what if someone always concentrates on others while completely neglecting their own needs? Sometimes helping others can even cause damage to the person and their own interests, but they still want to help.

Kate Yakimchuk help personality self-esteem Psychology 22 November 2023
hospital bed

When a person is seriously damaged, their brain can be dead while their body is still alive. A new set of guidelines has been created to help doctors determine when someone is brain dead, which means their brain has completely stopped working due to a severe injury. 

Kate Yakimchuk research brain Psychology 28 October 2023

While alcohol-based cleaners tend to be very effective, you can't use them in all situations. Some surfaces can be easily damaged by alcohol, so you can accidentally do more harm than good.

Kate Yakimchuk alcohol cleaning tips Helpful tips 26 October 2023

A team of researchers has been working on understanding how our brains control speech and using that knowledge to create technology that can help people who have lost their ability to speak.  They used complex computer programs to study brain activity and recreate speech from brain recordings. 

Kate Yakimchuk research speech brain Psychology 21 October 2023

Good shoes can last for ages, but only if you take good care of them. When taking care of your shoes, you should remember lots of details, so you won't accidentally damage them.

Kate Yakimchuk shoes cleaning tips mistakes Helpful tips 13 October 2023
tired man

Lack of sleep doesn't just make you feel bad; it can also harm your brain.  Long-term sleep problems may even increase the risk of diseases like Alzheimer's. 

Kate Yakimchuk research sleep brain tiredness Psychology 11 September 2023
tree resin

Garden trees, like other types of trees, emit resin as a natural defense mechanism and to protect themselves from various threats.  Resin is a sticky, viscous substance that trees produce in response to injury, infection, or environmental stress. 

Kate Yakimchuk trees Garden 1 September 2023

Modern cleaning solutions, while effective at removing dirt and grime, can potentially damage furniture if not used properly.  Many cleaning products contain strong chemicals that can react with various furniture materials and finishes, leading to discoloration, dullness, or even permanent harm. 

Kate Yakimchuk cleaning furniture mistakes Helpful tips 15 August 2023

There are several actions that people might think are helping wild animals, but in reality, these actions can often do more harm than good.  It's important to have a good understanding of wildlife and their needs to ensure that our actions truly benefit them. 

Kate Yakimchuk wildlife help tips mistakes Animals 13 August 2023

Depression is a complex and underestimated illness which can only become a bigger problem after a traumatic brain injury. A groundbreaking study has revealed the relationship between depression and traumatic brain injury.

Kate Yakimchuk brain research depression Psychology 31 July 2023