How to keep your cutting boards clean: You can use these things instead of chemicals

03.06.2023 20:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Modern cleaning chemicals can be highly effective, but also too aggressive.

If you prefer good-old cleaning methods, then you can use more organic products to keep your kitchen utensils clean.

That's how you can keep your cutting boards clean without using aggressive chemicals.


Start by rinsing the cutting board with some hot water. It will help to get rid of food particles from its surface.

Sprinkle it with some Salt and Lemon

Put some salt on your wet cutting board. Cut a lemon in half and use one of its halves to scrub the surface. The salt acts as an abrasive, while the lemon's acidity helps to get rid of bacteria and remove stains and odors.

cutting board


Using the same cut side of the lemon, scrub the board, applying gentle pressure. Make sure to scrub the entire surface, including all stained or heavily soiled areas. The combination of salt and lemon juice will help to clean and deodorize the board.

Let Sit

After scrubbing the surface with these natural ingredients, let them sit on the surface for a few more minutes. This allows the natural properties of salt and lemon to further break down any remaining residue and bacteria.

Rinse and Dry

Rinse the cutting board well with hot water again to remove the mixture residue. Make sure to clean both sides of the board. Then, dry it completely before storing it - you can use clean towels or just air.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Rinse
  2. Sprinkle it with some Salt and Lemon
  3. Scrub
  4. Let Sit
  5. Rinse and Dry