How often you should replace your coffee machine filter: It depends

04.06.2023 20:45
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Different coffee machines require different maintenance, but some things can influence machines of all brands.

To achieve the best taste, you need to change the filter regularly.

Let's find out why you might need to replace it more often than you think.

Manufacturer's Recommendations

Check the user manual or manufacturer's guidelines for your specific coffee machine model. 

Some manufacturers provide specific recommendations regarding the lifespan of the filter and when it should be replaced.

coffee machine

Water Hardness

The hardness of your water can impact the lifespan of the coffee machine filter. 

If you have hard water, mineral deposits can accumulate more quickly, reducing the filter's effectiveness. 

In such cases, you may need to change the filter more frequently.

Regular Maintenance

Regular cleaning and descaling of your coffee machine can help prolong the lifespan of the filter. 

Proper maintenance removes mineral deposits and coffee oils that can clog the filter and affect its performance. 

If you notice a significant decrease in water flow or the taste of your coffee deteriorating, it may be an indication that the filter needs to be changed.

Visual Inspection

In some cases, the condition of the filter itself can provide an indication of whether it needs replacement. 

If the filter appears dirty, discolored, or clogged, it is likely time for a new one. 

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Manufacturer's Recommendations
  2. Water Hardness
  3. Regular Maintenance
  4. Visual Inspection