Old socks can be useful: Housekeeping tips

10.11.2023 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Even things that seem old and useless can be actually quite handy for house cleaning.

For instance, old socks can be used in many ways that can help you keep your house clean.

Here are a few examples of how you can use them.


Dusting Mittens

Slip an old sock onto your hand like a mitten. You can use this "sock mitten" to dust surfaces around your house. 

Wipe down tables, shelves, and other surfaces. The sock's fabric will attract and hold onto dust.

Sock Swiffer

If you have a Swiffer or a similar floor-cleaning tool, you can turn your old sock into a reusable cleaning pad. 

Simply stretch the sock over the Swiffer head and secure it. Now, you can use it to clean your floors without buying disposable pads.

Polishing Cloth

Old socks can make great polishing cloths. Apply some furniture polish to a sock and use it to polish wooden furniture. 

The fabric will help create a nice shine.

Glass and Mirror Wiper

For streak-free windows and mirrors, use an old sock. 

Dampen one side of the sock with water or a mixture of water and vinegar, and then wipe down glass surfaces. 

Use the dry side to buff and make it shine.

Baseboard Cleaner

Slip an old sock onto your hand and use it to wipe down baseboards. The fabric will catch dust and dirt, and you won't need to bend down.

Pet Hair Remover

If you have pets, you know how their hair can end up everywhere. 

Put a sock on your hand, dampen it slightly, and then run it over upholstery or clothing to pick up pet hair.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Dusting Mittens
  2. Sock Swiffer
  3. Polishing Cloth
  4. Glass and Mirror Wiper
  5. Baseboard Cleaner
  6. Pet Hair Remover