Useful Tips: How to Get Rid of Ants in the House

21.12.2023 01:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Ants appear in the house for several reasons.

This could be an anthill in the basement, for example.

You can also bring ants with you after a walk in the forest or park - the insects will crawl around the apartment and lay a nest somewhere.

What to do

Give the worker ants poison, which they will take back to their lair.

To do this, you can use folk remedies to fight ants: sugar and soda, boron and yeast balls, flowers and herbs.


Also use insecticides from the store: traps, gels, crayons, powders.

To kill ants, mix a tablespoon of sugar or powdered sugar with the same amount of baking soda.

Pour the resulting mixture onto a paper sheet and place it in areas where the ants move.

The insects will drag the bait into their nest and die from the soda after consumption.

How to quickly get rid ants

Ants do not like to settle next to mint, thyme, celandine, wormwood, lavender, oregano, dill, and parsley.

The tops of marigolds and chrysanthemums can also scare them away. Another insect threat is tomatoes.

Gardeners scatter green tops throughout the garden, and pour a decoction from them into the anthill.

Previously, we talked about how to prevent spiders from appearing in the house.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What to do
  2. How to quickly get rid ants