Useful Tips: How to Properly Store Spices

14.10.2023 13:03
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Spices, like any other food, can deteriorate and lose their properties. This article will show you how to preserve the texture and flavor of spices.

How should spices be stored

Any spices and seasonings should be stored away from sunlight, excessive humidity and high temperatures. Storing spices in the kitchen does not require special temperature conditions.

You can store spices in a kitchen cabinet, on a shelf or countertop, but away from the stove and radiator.

Keep insects out of your spices. It is enough to put a small leaf of lavrushka or dry pepper slices into a storage container, and then you will definitely be protected from living creatures.

Avoid metal containers for spices: they heat up too quickly and even a short proximity to a boiling pot can lead to overheating. Herb bags are only good when stored in a dry place and for a short time. Wooden containers can also be used for storage.

Photo: Pixabay

Spices expiration date

Their flavor is released in a warm, humid environment when they are added to a dish. In general, the shelf life is as follows: 4 years for whole spices, 2-3 years for ground spices and 1-2 years for dried leaves.

Can spices be kept in the refrigerator

Store only fresh spices in the refrigerator. For example, onions, lemongrass, ginger or chili peppers.

The refrigerator is not the best place to store ground and dried spices, as moisture causes lumps and mold to form.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How should spices be stored
  2. Spices expiration date
  3. Can spices be kept in the refrigerator