Why your kitchen sink is always clogged: Main reasons

10.08.2023 06:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

One of the most annoying things in the kitchen is a clogged sink.

A kitchen sink can become clogged regularly due to a combination of factors related to what goes down the drain and the plumbing system. 

Here are some common reasons for frequent kitchen sink clogs.

Food Debris

One of the primary causes of kitchen sink clogs is food debris. 

Food particles, especially those high in grease, fats, and oils, can accumulate in the drain pipes over time, leading to blockages.


Grease and Cooking Oils

Pouring grease and cooking oils down the drain can lead to clogs. 

These substances can solidify as they cool, creating a sticky buildup that traps other debris.

Coffee Grounds

Coffee grounds might seem harmless, but they can accumulate in the pipes and contribute to clogs, especially when they mix with other materials.

Improper Use of Garbage Disposal

While a garbage disposal can help break down some food waste, it's not meant to handle everything. 

Fibrous foods (like celery), starchy foods (like pasta and rice), and hard materials (like fruit pits) can jam the disposal and contribute to clogs.

Small Debris

Small food particles, like seeds or bits of chopped vegetables, can easily go down the drain and accumulate in the pipes, eventually causing blockages.

Deteriorating Pipes

Over time, pipes can deteriorate, develop rust, or accumulate sediment, reducing their diameter and making it easier for debris to get caught and cause clogs.

Incorrect Plumbing Installation

In some cases, incorrect plumbing installation or poor pipe design can contribute to frequent clogs. 

Pipes with insufficient slope or improper connections can trap debris.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Food Debris
  2. Grease and Cooking Oils
  3. Coffee Grounds
  4. Improper Use of Garbage Disposal
  5. Small Debris
  6. Deteriorating Pipes
  7. Incorrect Plumbing Installation