Mice often spoil crops and chew off plant roots. The article explained how to effectively scare away mice from your garden.
Diana Dashkevich gardening gardening tips pests Garden 3 March 2024Rodents can be repelled using some humane methods. In this article we will tell you what smells repel small animals from the garden and home.
Diana Dashkevich housekeeping tips advices useful lifehacks Helpful tips 16 February 2024Of the many pests, mice can be one of the most annoying ones, because they can cause lots of damage to your food and items. It's not always easy to get rid of them, but it's always easier to fight mice when there aren't too many of them yet.
Kate Yakimchuk infestation pest control housekeeping tips signs Helpful tips 29 January 2024New research shows that communication between the body's organs plays a big role in aging. As we get older, these lines of communication deteriorate, and organs don't receive the messages they need.
Kate Yakimchuk research brain activity information Animals 17 January 2024In fall, mice tend to seek warm and safe places to live, and it's even better when these places have some food to steal. Therefore, you should prepare your house for fall to make sure that your warm and nice house won't attract lots of mice.
Kate Yakimchuk pests rodent tips fall Helpful tips 14 November 2023Most people associate cats with keen mice hunters, which is true - but some dogs can do it as well! While it's not traditional for them to do it, dogs can be very effective mice hunters because of their great smell and reaction.
Kate Yakimchuk dogs pets hunting Animals 11 November 2023When trying to get rid of mice, you can use plenty of effective methods - but not all of them are pet-friendly. If you have pets (and especially if they're small and curious), then you should only use methods that won't harm your pet friend.
Kate Yakimchuk tips pests pets Helpful tips 24 October 2023When it's cold outside, mice tend to hide in houses, so they can feed and stay warm. They can cause lots of troubles, so it's better to get rid of them as soon as possible.
Kate Yakimchuk rodent tips pests Helpful tips 24 October 2023When the weather becomes cold and rainy, mice tend to hide in houses - so that's the time when you might see the first signs of them. It's important to notice mice early, so you can get rid of them easier, because it's way harder to get rid of lots of mice.
Kate Yakimchuk rodent pests signs Helpful tips 23 October 2023Mice seem tiny, harmless, and even cute, but they can damage your garden seriously - mostly because they usually act collectively. If you want your plants to be safe, then it's time to get rid of these pests - and your methods better be effective.
Kate Yakimchuk pests gardening tips Garden 12 September 2023In his article "Learning to See Mice" published in the journal Humanimalia, a researcher from the University of Amsterdam explores the complex individual and social life of these small rodents, their sense of community and concern for others when they get sick, and what this means for animals.
Diana Dashkevich rats animal care animal facts Animals 22 August 2023How can your body know when to wake up without a clock? Researchers from the University of Tsukuba in Japan have uncovered new insights into the molecular mechanisms governing sleep and circadian rhythms in rodents.
Kate Yakimchuk research sleep Psychology 9 August 2023Not only insects, but also mice can destroy lots of plants in your garden. Mice often damage roses, so if you want your garden to be full of healthy and thriving flowers, then you need to know what they can do.
Kate Yakimchuk roses pests gardening tips Garden 10 July 2023