The best food for hot weather: Things that you should eat in summer

07.07.2023 17:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

While your food choices can't change the hot weather outside, it can help you feel way better.

Greasy and high-fat food can make you feel heavy and bloated, but some lighter options are perfectly suitable for summer.

Let's find out more.

Hydrating fruits and vegetables

Consume fruits and vegetables with high water content to stay hydrated. 

These foods not only provide hydration but also offer essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.


Light and refreshing salads

Opt for refreshing salads that incorporate a variety of vegetables, leafy greens, and protein sources like grilled chicken, fish, or tofu. 

Avoid heavy dressings and opt for lighter options like vinaigrettes or citrus-based dressings.

Cold soups and gazpachos

Enjoy chilled soups like gazpacho, which are perfect for hot weather. 

These soups are typically made with fresh vegetables, herbs, and spices, providing hydration and nutrients in a refreshing way.

Grilled or chilled lean proteins

Choose lean protein sources such as grilled chicken, fish, or shrimp. 

These protein options are light, easy to digest, and provide essential nutrients without weighing you down.

Whole grains and legumes

Incorporate whole grains and legumes into your meals to provide sustained energy. 

Herbal and iced teas

Stay hydrated with herbal or iced teas. 

Opt for unsweetened or lightly sweetened versions and add some citrus slices or mint leaves for added freshness.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Hydrating fruits and vegetables
  2. Light and refreshing salads
  3. Cold soups and gazpachos
  4. Grilled or chilled lean proteins
  5. Whole grains and legumes
  6. Herbal and iced teas