Cooking ideas: Use cottage cheese more

06.01.2024 02:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

From all kinds of cheese, it's cottage cheese that is usually eaten fresh.

Meanwhile, it can be a part of many perfect dishes, some of which are baked and fried.

Here are a few ideas on dishes with cottage cheese that you might like.

Cottage Cheese Pancakes

Mix cottage cheese with eggs, flour, and a bit of sugar. 

Cook them on a griddle until golden brown. Serve with maple syrup or fresh fruit.


Stuffed Bell Peppers

Cut the tops off bell peppers and remove the seeds. 

Fill them with a mixture of cottage cheese, chopped vegetables, and herbs. Bake until the peppers are tender.

Creamy Pasta Sauce

Blend cottage cheese with garlic, herbs, and a splash of milk until smooth. 

Toss the sauce with cooked pasta and vegetables for a creamy and satisfying meal.

Cottage Cheese Parfait

Layer cottage cheese with your favorite fruits and a drizzle of honey in a glass. 

Repeat the layers and enjoy a delicious and nutritious parfait.

Cottage Cheese Salad

Combine cottage cheese with diced cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, and fresh herbs. 

Season with salt, pepper, and a squeeze of lemon for a refreshing salad.

Cottage Cheese Wraps

Spread cottage cheese on a tortilla and top with sliced turkey or chicken, lettuce, and tomato. 

Roll it up and enjoy a protein-packed wrap.

Fruit Smoothie

Blend cottage cheese with your choice of fruits, a splash of juice, and ice. 

It creates a creamy and nutritious smoothie.

Cheesy Stuffed Mushrooms

Mix cottage cheese with breadcrumbs, grated cheese, and herbs. 

Spoon the mixture into mushroom caps and bake until golden and bubbly.

Cottage Cheese Omelette

Whisk cottage cheese with eggs and your favorite omelette fillings, such as vegetables, cheese, or cooked bacon. 

Cook until set and enjoy a protein-rich breakfast.

Previously, we talked about lime benefits.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Cottage Cheese Pancakes
  2. Stuffed Bell Peppers
  3. Creamy Pasta Sauce
  4. Cottage Cheese Parfait
  5. Cottage Cheese Salad
  6. Cottage Cheese Wraps
  7. Fruit Smoothie
  8. Cheesy Stuffed Mushrooms
  9. Cottage Cheese Omelette